Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Before watching any of these movies with your children, please take into account the age of parental guidance warning.
- Bang Bang. You are dead, 2003 (USA)
- Bully, 2001 (USA)
- Bullying, 2010 (España)
- Elephant, 2004 (USA)
- Mean Girls, 2004 (USA)
- Never Been Kissed, 1999 (USA)
- Cyberbully, 2011 (Canada)
- Chatroom, 2010 (UK)
- The Antbully, 2006 (USA)

- Cómo entender y detener el bullying y cyberbullying en la escuela. 112 preguntas y respuestas clave para profesores y padres. Cléo Fante, 2012
- Revista Internacional Magisterio. Educación y pedagogía. No. 53. Noviembre - Diciembre, 2011.
- A 101 ways to deal with bullying: A guide for parents. Michel Elliot, 1997.
- Bullying: a practical guide to coping for schools. Michel Elliot, 2002.
- Conductas de acoso y amenaza entre escolares. Dan Olweus, 1998.
- Helping children cope with bullying. Sarah Lawson, 1994.
- Bullying at school: what we know and what we can do. Dan Olweus, 1993.
- Olweus bullying prevention program: Schoolwide guide. Dan Olweus, 2007.
- Bullying in secondary schools: what it looks like and how to manage it. Keith Sullivan and Mark Cleary, 2003.
- Bully prevention: tips and strategies for school leaders and classroom teachers. Elizabeth Barton, 2006
- New perspective on bullying. Ken Rigby, 2002.
- The new bully free classroom. Allan L. Beane, 2011.
- Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the digital age. Robin M. Kowalski, Sue Limber, Patricia W. Agatston, 2008.

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